Sunday, October 26, 2014

In The Service Of What?


"Service learning makes students active participants in service projects that aim to respond to the needs of the community while furthering the academic goals of students"

-I believe what this quote is about is that all students should be participating in community service. Not only is it good for them, it helps open their eyes and have a different outlook on life. They can learn a lot from doing some community service whether it is volunteering at a nursing home, or helping out with some cleaning at a local shelter. Either way they are seeing how another person lives. They may need some extra help with things and they can be more educated by learning how to serve. 

"The class discussed the growing economic disparity between rich and poor, the impact of homelessness on children, and the difficult balance between individual rights and collective responsibility"

-This quote is really powerful. Not all children can see how other people are living. They may be living in a home where their parents make a bit more money than other families they may be eating more than three times a day, and they may have some more material items than other children. The child may not be able to get it past them that there are children who do not have any of that at all. They may not have a home, food, or toys to play with. It is good that this class is having a discussion on how important this topic is because they may be able to do some community service and help them out. 

"The moral domain, service learning activities tend toward two types of relationships. Relationships that emphasize charity we will call "giving". Those that aim primarily to deepen relationships and to forge new connections we will call "caring"."

-This quote really made me think about life. I realize that there are people out there who will give to charities as community service just because they feel bad and want people to acknowledge them for what they do. They want to be the center of attention when in reality there are families that need more attention than the person that is doing the "giving". Then there are families that not only give, but they care. They will go out of their way and do whatever they can for families in need. Around Christmas time my church sets out a Christmas tree with paper ornaments and at the end of mass you can go down to the tree pick off an ornament with a present you need to buy for a child in need on it. I do this every year but reading this piece made me realize that I do really care about these people and want to be able to do everything I can to help them because I wouldn't want to end up in this situation. I think it is good to teach children in school how this can effect them and how they can help.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Unlearning The Myths That Blind Us


Reading this article honestly made me really angry. Media has such a big impact in today's society. Children are watching Disney movies about Princesses and Princes thinking that is the way their life should be. That every young girl should be this tall, skinny, beautiful girl, who will meet her Prince Charming and everything will be perfect. Also, young boys are seeing this and thinking that they have to chase after a girl and wait on her hand and foot. This is not true whatsoever. Today there is so much independence and we now realize and try to teach kids at a young age that you need to be yourself. If media didn't have such a big part in our every day lives this generation wouldn't think and act they way we do.   

The link above is really powerful, it really makes you wonder why people think this way and why cant every child be accepted for who they really are, and who they want to be. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Speaking The Unspeakable:


After reading this piece I had multiple different thoughts. I always thought that a child wouldn't start to ask questions about being gay or lesbian at such a young age. I thought maybe you should just avoid the subject until they are older to understand what is going on. However, children are not as innocent as they may seem. They are hearing the terms gay, lesbian, homosexual in so many different places it would only be so long until they start to wonder what it means. They also hear hurtful terms like "fag". As future teachers we are going to experience this, and after reading this piece I thought how would we as teachers approach this. I think teaching a student at a much younger age about homosexuality is much better because they are so much more open minded than a child in middle school who already knows what the term means. All in all, I think there are so many different ways you can teach a child about this topic and make them fully understand what the terms mean whether they accept it or not. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014



After reading Rodriguez's piece I realized how lost a child can be at school. Not knowing when they are going to be able to speak a language they are familiar with. They have to go in to class with the knowledge they have and learn a whole second language so they can fit in with everybody else. My dad is fluent in Portuguese so when I was a lot younger and I went to his mothers house to visit her and the rest of the family on his side I was always so scared. None of them spoke English. It is scary going into an environment where the only language you know is English. Not knowing what anybody is talking about, or if they are even talking about you. It also doesn't help that none of them spoke English so they would have no clue what I was saying. It's scary. It's like you are in a whole new world. These children in this school must be scared out of their mind. Nobody can understand them, and they are trying their best to understand everybody else.

These links are really worth watching because it shows how interactive these students are with each other. They don't realize the difference between one another at all. They are all intrigued to learn another language and it is amazing that their parents want this for them as well. It teaches the students and the families to be diverse and they shouldn't only be learning English, but they should be learning another language as a second option.