Sunday, September 21, 2014

Jonathan Kozol: Amazing Grace

"You just cover up... and hope you wake up the next morning"(Kozol 4).

-This quote just made me stare at the reading and think to myself we really take things for granted. There are people out there suffering.. and we are sitting in our nice houses with heat and food and water and we do not even realize that there are people out there with none of that. Every single day somebody dies because of not having the things they need to survive. 

"Be as interesting as you always are" (Kozol 6).

-Kozol is referring to this seven year old boy named Cliffe who has seen a lot in his life. Probably more than a seven year old should be seeing. As his mother is telling him to be as interesting as he always is, shes wants him to see whats around him. He needs to be curious and if he doesn't ask question or wonder about scenarios like this he will never realize how this cruel world is. I think it is great that this little boy can wander off on his own and talk to strangers and see what is going on outside around him. Kozol really helps you visualize it when he talks to the strange man about the burning bodies. 

"Sick children vomiting up their food. Men with gunshot wounds. People with AIDS. Old people coughing up their blood. On the third day I gave up and went back home."(Kozol 16).

-Nurses do not realize in any way that these people need to be treated as soon as possible. They cannot just give up because there is a lot going on and it is stressful. Hospitals especially emergency rooms are not always the fastest places, when they really should be because key word EMERGENCY. AIDS is not a funny matter, none of these sicknesses are and they need to be treated right away. People are sick and need to be seen by doctors and nurses and we cannot just let something like this go. 

The whole time I was reading Kozol's "Amazing Grace" i thought that it really is amazing that these people, well a majority of them are surviving. The things they go through in their life is really tough. It really is AMAZING that life can be like this and we just sit back and don't do anything about it. There are issues out there that need to be taken care of and all we can do is find a way to help. To stop these issues with disease, with homelessness, and with the cruel world. 


  1. When I read your last point of this post I was really thinking if others, including myself, would every really do anything to help these people in neighborhoods such as this. It provoked me to think what it really would take in order to truly change these neighborhoods, hospitals, and homes. What kind of person would it take? Would it take more than just one? Your quote about Cliffe's mother telling him to be amazing made me think a different way than I had been. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this quote as they were different from my original way of thinking. It was thought provoking and interesting to read your ideas and interpretations!

  2. I agree with exactly what Meghan said about the last post! Would we actually do something or would we be just simple bystanders that think "oh if it's not happening to me, why should we bother?" It's really interesting to think about.. It's almost like when hurricane Katrina stuck here in New Orleans, everybody in the country helped but if it was an oil spill somewhere in the ocean or innocent civilians being at the wrong place at the wrong time in the middle east, would we do something?
